Buying in local markets reduces the miles products must travel.
There are over 5.5million small businesses in the UK. The majority have five or fewer employees, making them mostly local employers. We often think big companies drive the national economy. However, these small businesses account for over half the UK’s private sector turnover. 

Small businesses have a big economic impact 

Small businesses are important for both local communities and the national economy. However, an impressive 15% of customers prefer to buy from small businesses when they can. Most say they want to keep their spending within their local community
Small, locally owned businesses do just that; generating income for people in their community. In many cases, larger businesses often use their profits elsewhere. They have company-wide arrangements for accounting, suppliers and maintenance that aren’t local. In contrast, small businesses outsource their support and supply services in the community, creating more local opportunities

How small businesses benefit the local community 

Job creation. The first clear benefit of the small businesses that operate in our local community is job creation. Nationally, they create 16.7million jobs which is over 60% of the total. 
Innovation. Small businesses often bring new ways of thinking and fresh perspectives. Because they are small they can explore and experiment much more efficiently that large companies. With small collaborative teams, simple communication and fast decision making they can move at speed. 
Work-life balance. Since the pandemic, many of us have prioritised quality of life above our careers. It’s been the inspiration for many people to become their own boss. As these businesses grow the owners understand the importance of flexible working and employee support better than many larger employers. What’s more, they can also recruit team members on the basis of skills and attitude rather than formal qualifications. 

Why choose small local businesses? 

Continuity. Small local businesses support healthy local communities. Much of their business comes from personal recommendations and local advertising. In many cases the same family runs them for decades, providing consistently high quality. In an age when trust is a big consideration, people who live and work locally rely on their reputation. 
Community. Buying from small local businesses can recirculate up to £50 to the local economy for every £10 you spend. Local business owners are more likely to spend their own money locally in shops, restaurants, and with other businesses. This benefits the local community and helps other small businesses to thrive. 
Sustainability. Buying locally also helps reduce everyone’s carbon footprint. In many cases they need fewer product miles to reach you than purchases from large national or international brands. For example, compare vegetables grown locally and sold at farm shops and markets to imported products sold in the supermarket. When you buy locally you’re supporting local farmers and manufacturers in your own community. Many small business owners are also very keen to use sustainable materials in their products or packaging. They often also support local recycling and reuse initiatives. 

Local branding 

We’re proud to have worked with so many local businesses for such a long time. They see the benefit of promoting themselves to their local audiences where they live and work. 
Speak with our friendly team to find out more about sharing the benefits of your local business in our titles
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