Print Advertising is Effective - No Exaggeration
Posted on 13th December 2019
Mark Twain said: “reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”. The same can be said of print advertising. In fact, the statistics experts, Statista, say that the UK will spend £2.47billion on print advertising this year.
Print confidence
Of course, people who work with print need to innovate to keep up with the digital world, but trustworthiness in print remains something that people value.
It’s also important to recognise the impact of ‘fake’ news. A printed report of an event involving a celebrity is likely to be believed. If it’s first seen on a digital channel people are likely to ask, “Is that true?”
In fact, in 2018 the Ofcom news consumption survey found that magazines are the UK’s most trusted source of news.
The credibility of printed magazines has a halo effect that extends to their websites as well. This gives them a competitive advantage over their digital-only competitors. People may be buying fewer magazines, but they still associate them with quality and reliability.
Mailbox magic
People are much more likely to respond to printed material that arrives through their own letterbox. It’s much more appealing than generic material in their email inbox.
People are becoming immune to electronic junk, spam, and subscription invitations in the increasingly noisy digital world. Whether they use ad blockers, like Adblock, or have simply mastered the art of filtering out unwanted content, it’s becoming much more difficult to grab people’s attention.
In contrast, clever printing techniques, good design and wonderful paper can all appeal to the senses and attract attention.
Making memorable moments
Perhaps it’s just us, but we love the smell of a newly printed magazine and the feel of good quality paper. Everything from the weight to the finish of a magazine makes the moment you notice an advertisement all the more memorable.
A well-designed and professionally printed publication like Pulse magazine shows how much advertisers care about their brand and reputation. It will have more impact and be remembered for longer. While digital advertisements are designed to catch attention in a fast-moving digital world, they are gone just as quickly.
Engaging experiences
Studies have shown that people find information they read on a screen harder to understand and will retain it for a shorter time. This means you really need to keep your digital content simple.
In contrast, people will often take time out to do nothing but enjoy a cup of coffee and their favourite magazine, so they are more focussed and more likely to remember what they have seen.
Creativity is the key to success with printed advertisements. From a full- to a quarter-page, the only limit is your imagination. You can include offers, links and even QR codes to achieve that all important crossover with your digital channels. Why not invite people to view an exclusive video, for example? They are much more likely to watch for a minute or two, if they’ve been tempted by your printed advertisement.
If you would like to unleash the power of your imagination with printed advertising, just get in touch.
Tagged as: Print advertising
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