Less is more, so niche marketing is worth considering for your business
You might have heard the term ‘niche’ marketing, but have you considered applying it to your business? 
All businesses need to make the most of their investments as costs increase which is why niche marketing is something worth considering. 
You can save money and create effective campaigns to maximise your return on investment (ROI) when you prioritise and focus on the people most likely to need and value your product or service. 

What is a niche? 

In biology the role of a species in a certain ecosystem is called a niche. It might include everything from what the species eats and the environment it lives in to how it responds to other species. It helps scientists to understand what food, surroundings and resources each species will need to thrive. 
A business niche is similar because, as a business owner, you will want to know what your ideal customer needs to thrive. Identifying their niche will help you to find them, learn more about them, their behaviour, and how they respond to their surroundings to help you sell your product or service. 
Importantly, it will also help you to avoid marketing mis-matches in your products and messages. After all, spending time, effort and money to send leaflets about lawnmowers to people who live in flats is unlikely to be effective. However, if you sell a wide range of garden products these customers might be very interested in pots and window boxes for their balconies. 

Why take a niche marketing approach? 

It’s much easier to sell to niche markets because you can be specific. You can use the most suitable language and images and choose the best places to advertise your products and services
It will also be much easier to explain how you solve a specific problem because you understand their environment and what they need. You’ll even have plenty of ideas for your blog that will explain how you have solved similar problems for other people. 
Once you have shown that you know and understand what your customers need more people will want to buy from you and might even be happy to pay a premium price too. 

Identifying your niche 

Many business owners think they provide a general service that’s suitable for everyone. However, the way you do what you do will be different to your competitors and that will help you stand out from the crowd. 
For example, you might provide replacement doors and windows for all types of domestic and commercial properties. That’s quite a wide market. However, you might believe that some products are much better than others. You might have started your business to help people avoid costly mistakes. The products you recommend could be especially good for older property renovations because they are always custom-made to fit any size and come in a wide range of profiles and finishes. 
You can now define your niche market as owners of older properties who want to install sympathetic replacements or additions to extensions. You can find post codes with properties built more than 40 or 50 years ago and target them. You might also approach architects and building companies that specialise in these types of properties. Your marketing can focus on quality and style because your customers will want the best choice rather than the cheapest. 

Reaching your niche 

The trusted delivery team of Pulse magazine can also hand-deliver your leaflets to homes and businesses in specific postcodes across Northamptonshire and the Milton Keynes area. All you have to do is choose the ideal locations for your business and provide the leaflets – we do the rest. 
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