10 small business marketing trends for 2022
Posted on 11th December 2021
We will all be happy to move ahead with our lives in 2022. Here are some marketing trends for small business owners to look out for in the coming year.
Empathy – emotional intelligence is an important skill when you want to show your customers you understand their lives and challenges. After all, explaining how you solve people’s problems is at the core of your marketing messages. Recognising how people’s needs might have changed recently and showing that you have taken time to address them will be powerful in 2022.
Social media – influencer marketing across social media channels such as Instagram can help you to tell your story and drive awareness and engagement. You don’t have to work with national superstars, micro-influencers who are credible in your sector or location are just as valuable to provide validation for you and your brand.
Technology – during the pandemic we all had to learn about new technologies, but now they have become normal parts of our everyday life. People will expect voicemail, online meetings, live streaming, and easy-to-use web stores. If you haven’t already started to explore how you can deliver video content online and be prepared for the increasing use of voice searches, now is the time.
Work-life balance – this has become an important issue for employees and customers, so it’s worth considering how you will let people know that you are taking the work-life balance seriously. You could lose your best team members and damage your reputation if you don’t.
Networking – many small-business owners have discovered the power of business networking, which can keep them connected with other like-minded professionals and generate valuable referrals. It’s also a good opportunity for personal development and you can learn from other people’s experiences.
Agility – the pace of change is speeding up and people now expect flexibility and innovation in service delivery and product development. When you build a strong reputation for imagination and innovation you can create a valuable competitive advantage.
Mentoring – alongside more formal training, small businesses need to find creative and innovative ways to attract and retain talent. On the job coaching and mentoring will add value to your recruitment offer.
Hybrid working – a mix of workplace and remote working will affect how small businesses operate and change the way you reach and interact with your customers whether you sell to consumers or other businesses. Where you will find them and when they will be most receptive to your marketing have changed and small businesses will need to rethink their approaches.
Supply chain – with the continuing stress on supplies and deliveries, small businesses need to find new ways to manage customer expectations. If you rely on third parties for materials and products your ability to work together will be key to success. Your marketing could damage your reputation if you generate demand that you can’t meet.
Personal branding – people like to do business with people they like so your personal brand is as important as your business branding. Your stationery, workwear and vehicle livery aren’t enough to create loyalty with your customers. As a business owner you will need to let them know who you are and how you will meet their needs. The world of business is becoming much more personal.
Share your message
If you’re ready to share how you are stepping up to the challenges of meeting your customer’s needs in 2022 then advertising and advertorials in Pulse magazine, Business Times and Business MK will help you reach the right people in the right way at the right time.
Talk to us today to find out more.
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