Why readers prefer print
Posted on 27th August 2024
Scientists and psychologists agree that printed content is remembered more easily than the same information in a digital format. We thought we’d take a closer look at what they say.
Scientific studies
It’s always good to look at things in a scientific way. It’s probably pretty clear that printed and digital content provide different experiences. The question is why it matters.
A neuromarketing agency looked at three key measures for direct marketing vs digital media – understanding, persuasiveness and attention.
The study concluded that printed content was easier to understand and more memorable than digital media. Less effort is needed so people understand your message more quickly and brand recall is increased. It also found that printed content is more persuasive. This is especially true when it appeals to senses beyond touch through good design, interesting textures and even smell.
Being memorable
Immediately after seeing printed or digital content people remember about the same amount of information. The notable thing is that a week later, people remembered much more of the printed information they received. Researchers think this is because there’s more emotional and physical engagement with printed content.
Strategic resources
When you’re planning a multi-channel marketing strategy it’s important to get the balance just right.
For example, you might gain impulse purchases if you catch your digital audience in a ‘micro moment’ when they’re ready to buy. However, even with the best analytics this is far from guaranteed. If your product or service needs explanation and your building your long-term reputation, printed content can deliver better results.
Human responses
People say they have similar preferences for printed and digital content, but their brains tell a different story. The printed advertisements create a stronger subconscious sense of value and interest.
How do we know? Studies show that a specific part of the brain is responsible for these responses, allowing researchers to predict purchasing decisions.
Overall: Print vs digital
An international study looked at people’s attitude and behaviour concerning print and other media. It came to some interesting conclusions.
Enjoyment – 70% of people prefer to read printed books and magazines and enjoyed reading in print rather than electronically.
Understanding – people feel they understand more when they read printed material and trust the content.
Reading habits – people read printed material more regularly.
Health – over half of the people asked were concerned about spending too much time using digital devices.
Action – almost half said that they would be more likely to take action after seeing a printed advertisement compared to a digital one.
Attention – more than two thirds said they don’t pay attention to online advertisements.
Choice – people said that they wanted to choose whether they receive printed or electronic communications.
Here’s why print is still relevant
Print provides tangible and physical reading experiences that digital media channels can’t match. The feel of a book or a magazine, the smell of paper and turning the pages contribute to unique experiences. It’s a focused activity without the distractions that often come with digital content.
Many people still find print media such as newspapers and magazines more trustworthy and credible. People often search for printed titles that cover the things they’re most interested in, like their local community, for example. Editors are well trained and committed to quality. They have to confirm everything – once something is published in print it’s permanent. Sadly, it’s all too easy to change digital content.
Print and digital media can complement each other too, so it doesn’t have to be an either/or decision. Many publications have both print and online versions so you can reach an even wider audience.
Find out about the effectiveness of print advertising for yourself. Talk to one of our friendly team today.
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