protein is good for recall while digital content on laptops and smartphones encourages action
We’ve always been proud that our titles are in print despite the popularity of digital marketing. We believe print is the ideal way to build your business brand and share your creativity and innovation. That said, we cross over in to digital media and business networking too. 
We know people enjoy reading printed content and remember what they read for longer as well. However, in our fast-paced digital lives it’s good to access content when and where you want to. Our readers can engage with the same content in our online editions, follow us on social media and in our newsletters. They can also set up digital subscriptions so they always receive their favourite content. There are also opportunities to meet in person at our increasingly popular Business Expo events. 
There are plenty of benefits for our advertisers too. 
Seamless social experiences. We can share content for you on X, Facebook pages and noticeboards, YouTube and Instagram. Ask us about creating a video or Instagram reel. It’s straightforward to create a quick response or QR code from the online address for your digital content. We can print it in the magazine for readers to scan on their smartphone to go straight to your social media advertisement. The perfect blend of print and digital. 
Combining digital and print advertising. Across the UK print and digital advertising campaigns reach an audience of 45million adults every month. However, advertising spending is migrating to digital platforms more quickly than your audience. There are still 19million readers of printed content a month and a print-only audience of 5million. Getting the balance right between your print and digital content is important. 
Data shows around two thirds of readers remember printed advertising and find it easy to understand. It’s reported that online campaigns are 400% more effective when combined with printed advertisements. That’s because print advertising builds recall while digital advertising encourages action. We can share your advertising in our publications and on our website banners, so you can have the best of both worlds. 
Making it personal. Well-organised business networking events help you build new relationships and generate new ideas. That’s why we also run popular business networking events. You never know who you’re going to meet or how you might help each other succeed. Most importantly, you’ll know everyone who takes part is proactive and interested in building their business community
Professionals and local businesses can attend our free business exhibitions to meet, network and learn. Both large and small organisations are welcome to come along for collaboration, support and conversations. 
Why not take a stand and invite your customers and contacts along to join you? You can also advertise your stand and share your thoughts in print and via our digital channels to make the most of the time you invest. 
We’re happy to help you plan and execute your print and digital advertising and make the most of attending the exhibitions. 
Talk to one of our friendly team today and they’ll provide all the information you need. 
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